Public Service Commission
Computer Operator
Time: 1 hourF.M.: 50
Attempt all of the following questions. Each question carries equal marks.Fill in the circle against the correct option in your answer sheet. Do not mark or write anything in question paper.
1. Which is not function of excel?
a. Not
b. Or
c. True
d. Ok
2. To append data:
a. Add record to the start of active database file
b. Add record to the start of active database file & start full screen
data entry
c. Add record to the end of active database file
d. Add record to the end of active database file
3. Right align the selected text is:
a. CTRL + R
b. CTRL + E
c. CTRL + J
4. Which command is used to create the NTFS and FAT file system?
a. Format
b. Chkdsk
c. Both of above
d. None of above
5. You can create new presentation by completing all of the
following except
a. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar
b. Clicking file/new
c. Pressing CTRL + New
d. Clicking File/Open
6. Which of the following is WAN?
a. Internet
b. Intranet
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
7. Compiler programmed used to:
a. A program which translate a program written is a high level
language into machine language program that can be understood by
the computer
b. A program which translate the statement of a high level language
into machine codes.
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
8. Which of the following is multi functions?
a. *
b. /
c. ^
d. Both of the above
9. Which ofthe following is Condition Formula?
a. IF
b. AND
d. All of above
10. Function of computer is:
a. Searching Internet
b. Creating document
c. Fasting work
d. All of above
11. DBMS is
a. Database Management Systems
b. Store data base data
c. Reporting data
d. All of above
12. Which short cut key is used to update the data?
a. F10
b. F9
c. F11
d. None of above
13. Material consisting of text and number is best presented as:
a. A table slide
a. A bullet slide
c. A title slide
d. All of the above
14. You can use a function to combine text from two cells into one
cell. You can use an operator to do the same thing
a. $
b. ^
c. /
d. @
15. Which command is used to make a directory?
a. dir
b. md
c. cd
d. None of above
16. Function of antivirus is
a. To protect document
b. To save the system files of computer
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
17. Which of the following is subscript?
a. a2b2
b. H2O
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
18. Which of the following is input output device?
a. Modem
b. Sound Box
c. Monitor
d. Mouse0102-01 [PS0102]
19. Heart of computer is:
a. RAM
b. CPU
c. Hard Disk
d. DVD Disk
20. Which of the following is an option in Print in Ms-Word?
a. Collate
b. Page per sheet
c. Scale to paper size
d. All of above
21. In Microsoft PowerPoint two kinds of sound effects files that can
be added to the presentation are:
a. .wav files and .mid files
b. .wav files and .gif files
c. .wav files and .jpg files
d. .jpg files and .gif files
22. Read/Write function of memory is
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
23. Which Program is written by manufacturer Companies is called?
a. RAM
b. ROM
d. None of above
24. Which command is used to fix error of disk?
a. Scandisk
b. Chdksk
c. Disk Clean Up
d. Disk copy
25. Which attribute is used to bold the text of HTML?
a. <b> text </b>
b. <Bold>text</Bold>
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
26. Performance of OS is
a.Overall management of computer
b. Communication between computer and human
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
27. Board related to chip
a. Daughter Board
b. Grand Mother Board
c. Mother Board
d. None of above
28. Type of operating system is:
a. single user operating system
b. Multi user operating system
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
29. Two component of table is:
a. Relationship & database
b. Database and design report
c. Design report and design form
d. All of the above
30. To edit chart
a. Double click on chart
b. Click on chart wizard options form standard toolbar
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
31. To activate cell
a. Select cell
b. Pressing ctrl key
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
32. Analog and digital computer
a. Continuous scale and discontinuous scale
b. Speedometer and IBM PC.
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
33. The full form of RTF is
a. Relation Table format
b. Rich Text Format
c. Rich Table Format
d. ROM Time Format
34.Which shortcut key is used to search the entire files, folder?
a. Win key + F
b. F3
c. Start/Search/For files or folders
d. All of above
35. Microsoft Office Assistance is:
a. Animated
b. Close document
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
36. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following
a. =a1 + a2
b. Add(a1+a2)
c. =together(a1:a2)
d. a1+a2
37. To shutdown a computer we can use the following command is:
a. Start/Shutdown/Shutdown
b. Click on close
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
38. The multiplication arithmetic operator is represented by which if
the following symbols?
a. ^
b. *
c. &
d. /
39. To add a new record in database we use:
a. Append record from browse menu
b. Append record from file menu
c. Add record from edit menu
d. All of above
40. A database that contains table linked by common fields is called
a. Centralize database
b. Flat file database
c. Relational database
d. None of above
41. DBMS is
a. Collection of data
b. Set of programs to access those data
c. Set of program to update those data
d. All of above
42. The raw facts are called
a. data
b. programs
c. commands
d. responses
43. Except for the …..function a formula with a logical function shows
the result
a. IF
b. AND
c. OR
d. all of the above
44. You can print
a. A range of cell by range name
b. An entire worksheet
c. A single work sheet
d. All of above
45. Which picture file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?
a. jpg
b. gif
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
46. You can insert only a horizontal page break by first selecting
a. A row belowthe row where you want to the page break to occur
b. A cell in row 1
c. A cell in column A
d. both (a) and (c)
47. Which command is used to hide, read only etc of the file?
c. FC
d. None of above
48. Faster memory is:
a. Cache memory
b. Flash memory
c. Both of the above
d. None of above
Sample Answer Sheet
For Computer Operator
Following are the correct answers of the Question Paper PS0102-01. Trace against the answer sheet and verify if they matches. Correct
answers are awarded +1 mark each and wrong answers with -0.25
1. Ans: d
2. Ans : d
3. Ans : a
4. Ans : d
5. Ans : c
6. Ans : c
7. Ans : a
8. Ans : d
9. Ans : d
10. Ans : d
11. Ans : d
12. Ans : b
13. Ans : a
14. Ans : a
15. Ans : b
16. Ans : c
17. Ans : b
18. Ans : a
19. Ans : b
20. Ans : d
21. Ans : a
22. Ans : a
23. Ans : b
24. Ans : a
25. Ans : a
26. Ans : c
27. Ans : c
28. Ans : c
29. Ans : a
30. Ans : c
31. Ans : a
32. Ans : c
33. Ans : b
34. Ans : d
35. Ans : a
36. Ans : a
37. Ans : a
38. Ans : b
39. Ans : a
40. Ans : c
41. Ans : d
42. Ans : a
43. Ans : d
44. Ans : d
45. Ans : c
46. Ans : d
47. Ans : b
48. Ans : a
49. Ans :
50. Ans :
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